Growing up on the West Coast of Australia, most of my childhood was spent in or around the water, I learned to dive at 14 and continued my training through to Dive Master at 18. At that point I had moved away from the hustle and bustle of Perth City and made myself home in a small town called Exmouth, here I worked for a dive and Whalesharking company as a Divemaster and Deckhand. Around this part of the coast spearfishing just comes naturally, with all of the amazing reef species there are to target as well as the pelagic cruising through the warm waters. For a couple of seasons I put the guns down for a bit and picked up a camera to film all that the Ningaloo Reef has to offer, this also lead to me filming in other places such as Indonesia, Borneo, Cairns and Tonga.
Two years ago I completed my Dive Instructors and spent a bit of time teaching in Malaysia, but this never kept me from my true passion of freediving, every day off I would head out exploring the beautiful reefs and wrecks - unfortunately without a gun as these waters are very over fished and I'm not to keen on adding to the depletion of marine species. Spearfishing is not my only passion when I am in the water, I really enjoy interacting with marine life, sharks being at the top of my list. I have have already been lucky enough to share the water with a large number of sharks but I would like to encounter a friendly white one day. Marine mammals are second, with Orca's recently being ticked off.
Now residing in Tauranga I spend all of my free time running up and down the east coast searching for that blue water that holds an abundance of target species from Butterfish to Mahi Mahi, most of my diving is shore based which makes the Mahi Mahi hard to target, but spend enough time in the water and you just never know whats going to swim past.
For the winter I head off to the crystal clear waters of Tonga where my girlfriend and I work as whale swim guides. Tonga gives me ample opportunity to hunt pelagic species with my main target being the fastest fish in the sea, the Sailfish. Sailfish are an extremely fast growing billfish which reach 1.3m within the first year, although their meat is quite tough it is brilliant smoked or in curries, Tongan waters are made up of hundreds of islands with deep drop offs and high pinnacles which give me the perfect landscape and motivation to hit the 40m mark on a single breath.
Breathless Addiction is my newest project which is currently just a Facebook, Instagram and Youtube page but I hope to transform it into an apparel line and freediving brand sometime in the future, so for now jump onto either one of these social media sites and 'like' 'follow' and 'subscribe' to check out more of Breathless Addiction's in water action.